Tabby (Default)
Category: Markings
There are two default varieties of Tabby that can be further modified by other genes.
Tabby comes in Mackerel (McMc/Mcmc) or Classic (mcmc). Mackerel is thinner striping that typically runs perpendicular to the fur, whereas Classic is thicker, more swirled striping.
Tabby Modifer: Bengal (Basic)
Category: Markings
The Bengal Modifier (BmBm or Bmbm) is a dominant gene that alters Tabby markings. It turns the tabby markings into a two-tone marking and generally looks more like wild cat markings. Turns Mackerel into Braided, Classic into Marble, and Spotted into Rosettes.
- McMcBmBm: Braided, aka Mackerel Modified
- mcmcBmBm: Marbled, aka Classic Modified
- McMcSpSpBmBm: Rosettes, Aka Spotted Modified
Edge cases: - mcmcSpSpBmBm: Marbled (Rosettes Carried due to Spotted only modifying Mackerel)
- McmcBmBm: Braided (Marbled Carried)
- McMcSpsp: Braided/Rosettes mixture, Broken Mackerel Modified.
- McmcSpspBmBm: Braided/Rosettes mixture carying Marble!
Braided (Mackerel) vs. Marbled (Classic) vs. Rosettes (Spotted)
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