
Elemental Affinity

Elemental Affinity (Storied)

Category: Speaker's Magic

Among the Speakers, it is common enough for a kitten to be born possessing an innate connection to one of the elements of the world. This element must be decided when the trait is applied, and cannot change, though many Speakers can learn to hone their magic to master other elements with time (by earning further Speaker's Magic traits.)

"Element" is a very loose term, and players are welcome to be creative with the element their cat has! As Elemental Affinity is the most basic of Speaker's Magic, it is fairly limited, allowing for only small creations and manipulations of the magic. A cat with Elemental Affinity for Air cannot create a tornado or fly, but could keep a small object afloat or run with the swiftness of the wind under their paws.

Elemental Examples include:

  • Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Metal
  • Plant, Wood, Blood, Bone
  • Sound, Light, Sun, Lunar, Space, Time?! Have fun with it!
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