

Colorpoint (Basic)

Category: Color

A Colorpoint (cpcp) cat has fur that is darker at the extremities or “points”. Also known as Siamese, Burmese, or Mink. When a cat shows Colorpoint, the artist may determine how sharp this contrast is, as we do not differentiate between Siamese and Burmese genes.

These cats are born completely white and darken over time. Around three weeks of age, the points will start to darken, but the full colorization won’t appear until around one year of age.

This is a recessive gene, so a cat with (Ccp) would be only a carrier of the gene. Colorpoint is dominant over Albino, so if a cat has a single copy of both genes, it will present as Colorpoint.


  • CC: No change
  • Ccp: Carries Colorpoint
  • cpcp: Colorpoint
  • cpc: Colorpoint carrying Albino

See also: Albino

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