Pastel (Storied)
Category: Divine Blessings
Pastel is the most common of the Divine Blessings, often passed down through the genetics of devout followers of the Divine. This gene causes any amount of markings to take on one or multiple Pastel colors, and is not restricted by the Base Coat of a cat. On a Solid Cat without any markings, it can create a pale, "ghosting" effect of the hidden markings on the cat's genotype.
Pastel optionally allows markings to go on top of White, including Dominant White, Colorpoint, and Albino.
A few examples:
- Pastel effecting only part of a Black Tabby's markings.
- Pastel having a "ghosting" effect on a Solid Black cat.
- Pastel on a Colorpoint Cat, appearing on top of the white of Colorpoint (and otherwise being regular tabby markings.)
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