
Curled Ears

Curled Ears (Basic)

Category: Mutations

Curled Ears (AcAc or Acac) is a dominant gene that causes the ear pinnae to curl or sweep back on themselves, and are rigid to the touch.

Folded Ears

Folded Ears (Basic)

Category: Mutations

Folded Ears (ScSc or Scsc) is a dominant gene that causes the ear pinnae to be weak, resulting in ears that fold over on themselves.

In New Paths, having two copies of this gene results in a cat being stillborn.

Absent Pinnae

Absent Pinnae (Basic)

Category: Mutations

Absent Pinnae (apap) is a rare, recessive mutation that causes cats to be born without ear pinnae.

Duplicate Pinnae

Duplicate Pinnae (Basic)

Category: Mutations

Duplicate Pinnae (dpdp) is a rare, recessive mutation that causes cats to be born with a second, smaller, pair of ears behind the normal ears. These are apparently non-functional and may be no more than ear flaps with no middle or inner ear section. This can also manifest as “butterfly” ears, with lobbed pinnae.

Asian Bobtail

Asian Bobtail (Basic)

Category: Mutations

Asian Bobtail (JpJp or Jpjp) is a Dominant gene that causes tail kinking and shortening. A cat with one copy of this gene will have a slightly shorter than normal tail with a kink, known as Kinked Tail, while a cat with two copies will have a kinked bobtail. This most resembles a rabbit’s “cottontail” tail. 

"jp" is the gene for a regular tail and is used with all tail mutations that interact with each other.

See also: Manx Bobtail


Kinked Tail (Jpjp) vs. Asian Bobtail (JpJp)

Kinked TailAsian Bobtail

Manx Bobtail

Manx Bobtail (Basic)

Category: Mutations

Manx Bobtail (Mbjp) is a dominant gene that causes a cat to have a shorter tail or no tail at all. The main difference from Asian Bobtails is that Manx tails do not have natural kinks.

Additionally, in New Paths, having two copies of this gene results in a cat being stillborn.

"jp" is the gene for a regular tail and is used with all tail mutations that interact with each other.

See also: Asian Bobtail


Ringtail (Basic)

Category: Mutations

The Ringtail gene (rtrt) causes a cat’s tail to curl towards its back. This has several variations, with some cats able to uncurl their tail, others being almost prehensile, or partially stiff and unable to uncurl.

This is a recessive gene, so a cat with (jptr) would be only a carrier of the gene.


Munchkin (Basic)

Category: Mutations

Munchkin (Mkmk) is a dominant gene that causes a cat to be born with smaller legs in proportion to the rest of their bodies.

Additionally, in New Paths, having two copies of this gene results in a cat being stillborn.

Polydactyl Toes

Polydactyl Toes (Basic)

Category: Mutations

Polydactyl Toes (PdPd or Pdpd) is a dominant gene that results in a cat with multiple toes. There are several variations of how this gene can present, from having a large “thumb foot” to having a double foot where the whole paw is duplicated as a mirror image.

Despite being a dominant gene, a cat with only one copy of this gene may or may not present as polydactyl, whichever the artist prefers.


Amelia (Storied)

Category: Mutations

The Amelia mutation is a genetic mutation that causes a cat to be born with fewer limbs than normal.


Chimera (Storied)

Category: Mutations

The Chimera Trait causes a cat to carry and display two different sets of genotypes. It can be fairly varied in its appearance, with up to a perfect 50/50 split between each genotype, split into sections or patches. "Hidden" Chimeras are also allowed, with something more like a 1/99 split between the genotypes (a red tabby // blue/black solid that only has a small spot of red tabby on its tail is acceptable!)


Janus (Storied)

Category: Mutations

The Janus mutation causes a cat to have two faces or two heads. The heads should be at least fused at the neck, but could be almost entirely fused so that there is only two noses/mouths, etc.

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