Chance Meeting Token
Category: Tokens
Reference Link:
It was just for one night! This token may be turned in for a Breeding with a randomly-generated cat. This breeding will still incur a cooldown for both the cat and their Clowder, and the cat must have their First and Guided Steps Milestones completed. Consumed on use.
Gene Swapper
Did you get a haircut..? This allows you to change one of the following common gene on a geno or character. All genes will be either fully dominant or recessive with no carrying, and may only be one of the choices below (i.e. no gaining charcoal). Include this item when submitting a geno with a note of what gene you're changing, or update a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. Consumed on use.
Possible changes:
- Fur Length: Shorthair or Longhair
- Agouti: Solid or Tabby
- Tabby: Mackerel or Classic
- White Spotting: None, Low, or High
Uses: Allows you to change one common trait on a geno or character
Purchaseable At:
Base Swapper
Oops! Looks like you got into the paint bucket again! This allows you to change the base coat of a geno or character. All other genes will remain the same, meaning a dilute cat will remain dilute. Each instance of this token may only change one instance of a coat color. Include this item when submitting a geno with a note of what coat color(s) you're changing, or update a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. Consumed on use.
Possible changes:
Black sire -> Red sire
Black dam -> Red dam (Only one coat color to change.)
Black/red dam -> Red dam (Removing one coat color.)
Red dam -> Black/red dam (Adding one coat color.)
Requires two uses:
Black/red dam -> Blue dam (Removing a coat color and changing another coat color.)
Uses: Allows you to change one coat color on a geno or character
Purchaseable At:
Starter Cat Voucher
Category: Vouchers
Use this voucher to make your very first starter cats! On use, grants a "MYO" (Make Your Own) slot which can be submitted to make a new cat.
Anniversary Lootbox
Category: Vouchers
Use this item to receive a random reward! Thank you for playing New Paths.
Anniversary MYO Voucher
Category: Vouchers
Use this voucher to claim a special Anniversary Cat! On use, grants a "MYO" (Make Your Own) slot which can be submitted to make a new, basic cat with the same regulations as a Starter Cat with a bonus... You can claim a single Storied trait for this kitty!
Anniversary Gift Voucher
Category: Vouchers
This Voucher can be turned in for a special, randomized cat with increased chances for genes, including a new type of a traits known as Storied Traits that can only be earned through breeding, events, and (soon) story gameplay.
Visit claims to claim this reward. Please make sure that you include this Voucher in the Inventory selection when you submit your claim!
Pistachio Pledge
This pistachio nut reminds you of the time you met Pistachio, a green Speaker with a heart of gold.
Can be turned in at the Breeding Prompt to add Pistachio as either a sire or dam in your breeding.
Uses: Turn in during a breeding to add Pistachio as a partner.
Hickorynose Pledge
A hickory leaf smeared with a berry-dye heart on the main leaf. A thank you for helping those in need.
Can be turned in at the Breeding Prompt to add Hickorynose as dam in your breeding.
Starfall Pledge
A strange dark flower that only bloomed under the night sky. Starfall gave this to you when you proved your worth to him.
Can be turned in at the Breeding Prompt to add Starfall a sire in your breeding.