Looks like one of those things people put on tamed cats. Why not try it on?
Sells for a significant amount of Pawprints. Can be used to update a cat's design with an accessory of the user's choice.
Purchaseable At:
Shiny Trinket
This odd object shimmers in the light, and you can't seem to take your eyes off of it. It must be worth something, right?
Sells for an average amount. Can be used to recruit Shrewd strange cats in Adventure Paths, and increases starting loyalty by 10 for recruited cats.
Purchaseable At:
Cheap Trinket
This worn trinket has clearly been well loved... Or discarded a long time ago. Maybe someone would find some value in it anyway?
Sells for a small amount. Can be used to recruit Shrewd strange cats in Adventure Paths.
Purchaseable At:
First Steps
Category: Advancements
Reference Link:
Earned by completing First Steps Milestone! Allows a cat to exceed level 5 (to a max of 10).
Drops From:
Guided Steps
Category: Advancements
Reference Link:
Earned by completing Guided Steps Milestone! Allows a cat to exceed level 10 (to a max of 15), and unlocks breeding.
Earned by completing Guided Steps Milestone!
Drops From:
Monumental Steps
Category: Advancements
Reference Link:
Earned by completing Monumental Steps Milestone! Allows a cat to exceed level 15 and reach the max level of 20.
Earned by completing Monumental Steps Milestone!
Drops From:
Scar Token
Category: Tokens
Reference Link:
Oof, that one looks like it hurt. Allows a new scar to be added to a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. Consumed on use.
Purchaseable At:
Extra Life
"With this life, I grant you..."
This token can be earned by leaders of clowders that follow the Divine. When a cat that owns this token would die, they instead spend an Extra Life token.
Very rarely, a cat may randomly gain this token as a blessing from the Divine regardless of the clowder's path...
Twin Soul
"The surest way to make your dreams reality are to live them."
This token can be earned by cats in clowders that follow the Night Shades. A cat with this token has two lives, the living and the dreaming. A cat that dies with this token will become a Night Shade. The dreaming life can also be lost before the cat dies, causing them to become Shadeless. A cat who loses both lives passes on to the Beyond.
Very rarely, a cat may randomly gain this token as a gift from the Night Shades regardless of the clowder's path...
Night Shade
"You have served your clowder well. Now you must guide their paths among the Night."
This token can be earned by cats in clowders that follow the Night Shades. A cat that dies with a Twin Soul token will gain the Night Shade token. This cat is considered Dead and can no longer level or participate in general character prompts. They are now apart of the Night Shades, and can give stat boosts to other cats they are depicted with.
This token can only be earned by dying with a Twin Soul token.
"Awaking with the pain of their soul rended from their body. They still breathed, but did they still live?"
This token can be earned by cats in clowders that follow the Night Shades. A cat that dies in their dreams with a Twin Soul token will gain the Shadeless token. This cat is still alive, but when they die they will pass on to the Beyond without becoming a Night Shade.
This token can only be earned with a Twin Soul token and requires a special event to kill a dreaming life. If the cat is already a Night Shade, they will pass on to the Beyond.
"A gh-gh-gh-gH-GHOST!"
This token can be earned by clowder cats that are apart of the Spirits and the Speakers. A cat that dies while apart of one of these clowders will gain this token. This cat is considered Dead, but can still participate in prompts with some limitations. Other cats can help them pass on to the Beyond when they're ready to depart.
Very rarely, a dying cat may randomly gain this token regardless of the clowder's path...
The Beyond
"Ma, where do we go when we die?"
The Beyond is many things to cats of New Paths. Some Clowders believe the Beyond is a place among the stars, where cats who die become a part of the sky’s pelt, while others suggest that the Beyond is where souls go to be reborn into their next life. Most agree that the Beyond is where cats go when they finally pass on from this life, being some sort of afterlife. How you interpret this is up to you! Signs and Prophecies are believed to come from the Beyond, though typically only those that worship the Divine pay attention to them.
This token is earned when a cat dies their final death, whether their last leader life, the death of a Night Shade, the passing of a Spirit, or the loss of a cat's only life. A cat that has this token is considered Truly Dead, ███ c█n ██ly █e b█o██h█ ████ ███████ █████████████. Those in positions of power who worship the Divine are the only cats that can speak to those in the Beyond and gain certain benefits from their connection.
Every cat eventually reaches the Beyond, unless they cling to half-life as a Shade or a Spirit.
Gene Eraser
Huh, what happened to your spots? This token allows you to remove one non-Default trait from a geno or character. Include this item when submitting a geno with a note of what gene you're taking off, or update a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. Consumed on use.
Uses: Allows you to remove one non-Default trait from a geno or character
Purchaseable At:
Pastel Token
This token allows you to add the Pastel trait to a geno or character. Include this item when submitting a geno with a note of what gene you're taking off, or update a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. Consumed on use.
Drops From:
Ultraviolet Token
This token allows you to add the Ultraviolet trait to a geno or character. Include this item when submitting a geno with a note of what gene you're taking off, or update a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. Consumed on use.
Elemental Affinity Token
This token allows you to add the Elemental Affinity trait to a geno or character. Include this item when submitting a geno with a note of what gene you're taking off, or update a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. You must select an element when applying this item. Consumed on use.