Songbirds are small birds that are a favorite prey of many cats. Once you get your paws on them, they're easy to take down. And if you fail to catch them, at least you might get a pretty feather out of it.
Sells for a small amount. Can be used to recruit Hungry strange cats in Adventure Paths.
Purchaseable At:
Bugs are a tiny, but easy food source. If a cat can find a bug, usually they can catch it. These make for good protein in emergency situations where prey is too hard to catch otherwise.
Sells for a minimal amount. Can be used to recruit Hungry strange cats in Adventure Paths, but reduces starting loyalty by 10 for recruited cats.
Lagomorphs are quick animals such as a rabbits, hares and pikas, that can be difficult to catch due to their tunneling behavior and break neck speed!
Sells for an average amount. Can be used to recruit Hungry strange cats in Adventure Paths, and increases starting loyalty by 10 for recruited cats.
Purchaseable At:
Fish are generally larger version of minnows, including trouts, salmon, bass and more. Fish can be challenging to catch due to their size, speed, and strength, but they're well worth the effort.
Sells for an average amount. Can be used to recruit Hungry strange cats in Adventure Paths, and increases starting loyalty by 10 for recruited cats.
Purchaseable At:
Raptors are birds of prey that are just as likely if not moreso to prey on cats than cats are to prey on them. Catching them is usually a team effort and can be quite dangerous for an inexperienced hunter.
Sells for a significant amount. Can be used to recruit Hungry strange cats in Adventure Paths, and increases starting loyalty by 20 for recruited cats.
Purchaseable At:
Venomous snakes are quite dangerous for a cat to hunt, as one bite can kill a cat. The hunter must be quick and precise, striking before the viper can strike back!
Sells for a significant amount. Can be used to recruit Hungry strange cats in Adventure Paths, and increases starting loyalty by 20 for recruited cats.