<a href="https://www.new-paths.gay/world/items?name=Base Swapper" class="display-item">Base Swapper</a>

Base Swapper

Category: Tokens

Artist: aradium

Resale Value: 25 Pawprints

Resale Value: 25 Pawprints

Oops! Looks like you got into the paint bucket again! This allows you to change the base coat of a geno or character. All other genes will remain the same, meaning a dilute cat will remain dilute. Each instance of this token may only change one instance of a coat color. Include this item when submitting a geno with a note of what coat color(s) you're changing, or update a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. Consumed on use.

Possible changes:
Black sire -> Red sire
Black dam -> Red dam (Only one coat color to change.)
Black/red dam -> Red dam (Removing one coat color.)
Red dam -> Black/red dam (Adding one coat color.)

Requires two uses:
Black/red dam -> Blue dam (Removing a coat color and changing another coat color.)

Uses: Allows you to change one coat color on a geno or character


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