<a href="https://www.new-paths.gay/world/items?name=Gene Swapper" class="display-item">Gene Swapper</a>

Gene Swapper

Category: Tokens

Artist: aradium

Resale Value: 25 Pawprints

Resale Value: 25 Pawprints

Did you get a haircut..? This allows you to change one of the following common gene on a geno or character. All genes will be either fully dominant or recessive with no carrying, and may only be one of the choices below (i.e. no gaining charcoal). Include this item when submitting a geno with a note of what gene you're changing, or update a cat's masterlist image by using "Update Design" on their page. Consumed on use.

Possible changes:

  • Fur Length: Shorthair or Longhair
  • Agouti: Solid or Tabby
  • Tabby: Mackerel or Classic
  • White Spotting: None, Low, or High

Uses: Allows you to change one common trait on a geno or character


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