Tribe of the Shaded Mount
Member Clowder inside Night Shade
Can be joined by characters.
Among the rises and falls of a seemingly unremarkable mountain, the Tribe of the Shaded Mount has made its home. With only a few flowering meadows in the lowest range of their territory, these cats have adapted to hunting the tough prey animals that call the mountain their home and rely on themselves and their tribe above all else. Many may miss their camp, nestled safely within a large cave system that even the oldest or bravest of their members are unlikely to have explored all of.
Despite their distant location and how hard they may seem to reach, the Tribe is actually surprising welcome to outsiders so long as they mean no harm, and while they won't regularly host guests they welcome those interested in joining to their ranks. Simple remember, do them no harm and they will do you no harm. Remain loyal to the Tribe if you call the mount your home. After all, loyalty is valued above all else, and guided by their Night Shade predecessors, the Tribe hopes to thrive for many generations to come.
Though few outside the Tribe know about this, most members of the Tribe curiously have two names. The first of these is their 'common' name, and is usually one word. This is the name they are called on a daily basis, and the one they introduce themselves by (Examples: Shred and Sunlight). This name is given to them by their parents at birth, or is the name they come to the Tribe with as an outsider (some outsiders may choose to change their name upon joining, which is also allowed). Their second names, often known as their 'true' or 'full' names, may be as small as two words or, typically, a small statement and usually include the cat's common name (Examples: Shredded Past and Broken Ray of Sunlight). These names are rarely used outside of ceremonies, however are extremely important. A cat is given this second name upon completing their training (or being accepted as a member of the Tribe, if they're an outsider) by the Tribe's leader and/or their Night Shade mentor, and it is largely believed that cats without this second name will not become Night Shades upon their death. This is also the reason it is not uncommon that, for burials of young members of the Tribe, the Shadevoice will grant them a second name as they are laid to rest.
You can find further information on the Tribe here!
Completed: A Clowder United