Night Shade

Clowder Path


Starfall says: We are hunters, stalking our prey in the dark of night. The Night Shades step in our dreams, and teach us how to walk the shadows with them.


Ancestors that train their clowder even in death. Cats are raised by the Night Shades in their dreams, in the shadow of the Beyond. They are taught to protect themselves from the most dangerous perils the wilds have to offer, and in turn become a Night Shade when they die. Cats who follow the Night Shades have two lives, the living and the dreaming, and must lose both lives to fully die. A living cat who loses their dreaming life before their waking one, however, will pass on to the Beyond when they die without becoming a Night Shade.

Your clowder may believe in Night Shades if:

  • They regularly challenge their faith.
  • They have a unique relationship with death.
  • You enjoy heavy stakes and having dead characters influence the living.
  • You want to have a narrative between your living and dead cats.