Submission (#98) Approved

7 July 2024, 16:13:32 UTC (8 months ago)
7 July 2024, 22:03:03 UTC (8 months ago) by aradium
Clowder: Stagecoach Lot
Cat: 017: Honeyweed
Type: Scout
Previous Clowder Adventure: See Submission URL
Thumbnail for 017: Whinhawk

017: Whinhawk

No rewards set.


aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Honeyweed was checking the borders when they spotted another cat. The desperate cat appears to be a yellow ticked tabby shorthair sire...

Does Honeyweed...
Give the cat a friendly greeting and continue on? + 1 Catnip
Antagonize the cat into a fight? + 21 Pawprints
Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-07-07 22:00:12

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

"Think you might be overlooking an easy solution in all your worry, friend." Honeyweed hopes xe can make the situation seem less dire than it is, beckoning them closer with a paw.

(Convincing using Wisdom!)

2024-07-07 22:39:45

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

The cat rushes over, eager to listen to Honeyweed's suggestion.

2024-07-16 16:04:26 (Edited 2024-07-16 16:04:33)

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