Submission (#439) Approved

21 November 2024, 23:21:50 UTC (3 months ago)
22 November 2024, 19:22:56 UTC (3 months ago) by aradium
Reward Amount
Cobwebs 3
Flowers 1
Pawprints 48
Thumbnail for 016: Rhubarb

016: Rhubarb

Reward Amount
Exp 1
Thumbnail for 101: Lava Lamp

101: Lava Lamp

Reward Amount
Exp 1
Thumbnail for 114: April

114: April

Reward Amount
Exp 1
Thumbnail for 084: Sparkle On!

084: Sparkle On!

Reward Amount
Exp 1
aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

While scouting out the nearby territory Sparkle On! stumbled upon some useful herbs and decided to bring them back home!

+3 Cobwebs.

2024-11-22 19:20:01

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

April ran into a strange cat trespassing on the territory. The frightened cat appears to be a red solid longhair sire with high white spotting...

Does April...
Chase off the trespasser? +10 Loyalty, 29 Pawprints
Let the trespasser go? -5 Loyalty, + 4 Shells
Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-11-22 19:18:38

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

April tries to assure them that everything will be OK! (Convincing with Wisdom)

2024-11-22 19:29:13

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

It takes a lot of convincing, but it seems the cat has calmed down!

2024-11-22 20:26:51

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Lava Lamp met a friend at the border. They caught up on everything they had missed in their time apart before going their seperate ways.

+48 Pawprints

2024-11-22 19:16:54

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

While scouting out the nearby territory Rhubarb stumbled upon some useful herbs and decided to bring them back home!

+1 Flowers.

2024-11-22 19:16:01

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