Submission (#433) Approved

21 November 2024, 01:31:16 UTC (3 months ago)
21 November 2024, 03:55:26 UTC (3 months ago) by bunny
submitting for scrap AND search. whoop
Reward Amount
Moss 1
Pawprints 2
Thumbnail for 057: Lightfeather

057: Lightfeather

Reward Amount
Exp 2
bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Gathering herbs isn't the most exciting job, but someone has to do it. Lightfeather diligently collected some herbs that the clowder needed.

+1 Moss

2024-11-21 03:55:40

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Lightfeather bit their tongue during the scrap and couldn't tell anyone what transpired even if they wanted to. Ashamed, they returned to their den and swore to redouble their efforts in the morning.

+2 Pawprints

2024-11-21 03:55:33

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