Submission (#405) Approved

17 November 2024, 18:03:48 UTC (3 months ago)
17 November 2024, 22:41:10 UTC (3 months ago) by bunny
Clowder: the Ivy Trail
Cat: Sunnywink
Type: Scout
Previous prompt:
Thumbnail for 095: Sunnywink

095: Sunnywink

No rewards set.


bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Sunnywink ran into a strange cat trespassing on the territory. The frightened cat appears to be a red solid shorthair sire with high white spotting...

Does Sunnywink...

  • Chase off the trespasser? +10 Loyalty, 40 Pawprints
  • Let the trespasser go? -5 Loyalty, +5 Flowers
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-11-17 22:41:22

bramblebeard Avatar

Sunnywink lets the sire go. Times are too tough to give them a worse time

2024-11-17 23:32:17

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

A most noble decision. They'll probably come to appreciate not being pulled into the Ivy Trail.

+5 Flowers
-5 Loyalty (15 -> 10)

2024-11-18 00:23:12 (Edited 2024-11-18 00:23:26)

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