Submission (#375) Approved

12 November 2024, 05:16:14 UTC (4 months ago)
12 November 2024, 23:59:29 UTC (4 months ago) by bunny
Scouting uit up
Thumbnail for 010: Lilystar

010: Lilystar

Reward Amount
Exp 1
Thumbnail for 026: Maplebelly

026: Maplebelly

Reward Amount
Exp 1
Thumbnail for 057: Lightfeather

057: Lightfeather

Reward Amount
Exp 1
Thumbnail for 100: Hooray!

100: Hooray!

No rewards set.

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Lilystar has been trying to convince their friend outside the clowder to join. The blue mackerel tabby longhair sire with low white spotting thinks they should let the rest of the clowder decide.

Does Lilystar's clowder let their friend join?

  • Yes! +A New Friend!
  • No thanks, -10 Loyalty, +46 Pawprints

2024-11-13 00:02:53 (Edited 2024-11-13 00:02:59)

azabana Avatar

yes :)

2024-11-13 00:04:08

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member


2024-11-13 00:15:20

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Maplebelly ran into a strange cat trespassing on the territory. The anxious cat appears to be a black solid shorthair rex sire...

Does Maplebelly...

  • Chase off the trespasser? +10 Loyalty, 33 Pawprints
  • Let the trespasser go? -5 Loyalty, +5 Feathers
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-11-13 00:02:40

azabana Avatar

convince with WISDOM

2024-11-13 00:04:22

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Maplebelly's presence is just too soothing.

2024-11-13 00:13:18

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Lightfeather was checking the borders when they spotted another cat. The stubborn cat appears to be a dominant white shorthair rex dam...

Does Lightfeather...

  • Give the cat a friendly greeting and continue on? +5 Borage
  • Antagonize the cat into a fight? +54 Pawprints
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-11-13 00:02:26

azabana Avatar

convince with wisdom (but hes totally side eyeing) :unamused:

2024-11-13 00:04:37

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

:unamused: right back at you, Lightfeather.

2024-11-13 00:10:34

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Hooray! brought a friend with them to Heatherclan's territory. Their shrewd friend appears to be a black broken mackerel tabby longhair dam with high white spotting and kinked tail...

Does Heatherclan...

  • Chase off the scammer and receive an apology gift from Hooray? +7 Pawprints
  • Send them on their way? +1 Feathers
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-11-13 00:02:11

azabana Avatar

convince with strength : |

2024-11-13 00:04:56

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

The cat seems unimpressed by the show of strength, and Hooray won't stand for it! Heatherclan deserves them!

  • Use catnip or draw/write this interaction to get this cat to join you anyway. (Required minimum sketched full bodies of Hooray [or Heatherclan]! and the Stranger/200 Words. Should be recognizable as the description but can be changed when submitting for a design later.)
  • Take a consolation prize of 2 Pawprints

2024-11-13 00:07:23

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