Submission (#367) Approved

10 November 2024, 21:14:27 UTC (4 months ago)
10 November 2024, 22:24:08 UTC (4 months ago) by infinity
Clowder: Riverbed Colony
Cat: Riffle
Type: Scrap
Previous Clowder Adventure: umm ive never done this before x.x
Thumbnail for 136: Riffle

136: Riffle

No rewards set.


infinity Avatar
infinity Staff Member

Riffle tried to fight off an enemy cat from another clowder, but ended up being completely outmatched.

Does Riffle...

  • Give up before they get hurt? + 5 Pawprints
  • Fight on, maybe they can turn things around! +10 Loyalty, 50% Chance of Gaining a Scar Token.

2024-11-10 22:24:18

phantomknights Avatar

FIGHT ON KING i believe in him

2024-11-10 22:40:34

infinity Avatar
infinity Staff Member

Riffle fights as though his life depends on it, and manages to get through the scrap with only minor scratches! His clowder celebrates his bravery later.

+10 Loyalty

2024-11-10 22:44:08

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