Submission (#352) Approved

10 November 2024, 03:45:20 UTC (4 months ago)
10 November 2024, 03:49:17 UTC (4 months ago) by bunny
no exp for cob and kernel because they were getting their guided steps in

Scouting rolls for Fuel and Lumber !
Reward Amount
Honey 1
Thumbnail for 031: Fuel

031: Fuel

Reward Amount
Exp 1
Thumbnail for 054: Lumber

054: Lumber

Reward Amount
Exp 1
bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Fuel was checking the borders when they spotted another cat. The desperate cat appears to be a yellow mackerel tabby shorthair sire with folded ears...

Does Fuel...

  • Give the cat a friendly greeting and continue on? +1 Cobwebs
  • Antagonize the cat into a fight? +11 Pawprints
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-11-10 03:49:42

infinity Avatar
infinity Staff Member

Fuel tries to strong-arm (strong-paw?) the stranger into joining using his strength to intimidate the stranger. Obviously!

2024-11-10 03:57:33

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Intimidation tactics don't work on the desperate, Fuel!

  • Use catnip or draw/write this interaction to get this cat to join you anyway. (Required minimum sketched full bodies of Fuel and the Stranger/200 Words. Should be recognizable as the description but can be changed when submitting for a design later.)
  • Take a consolation prize of 1 Pawprint

2024-11-10 03:58:54

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

While scouting out the nearby territory Lumber stumbled upon some useful herbs and decided to bring them back home!

+1 Honey

2024-11-10 03:49:22

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