Submission (#340) Approved

8 November 2024, 22:58:22 UTC (4 months ago)
9 November 2024, 18:17:10 UTC (4 months ago) by infinity
As of late, Vilebank has been going through major spiritual upheaval. Following the previous leader’s death, and a certain outsider's joining of the clowder, Ichor has been forced to reevaluate her views on the Divine and how her clowder worships them. Her father had long prepared her for his plan, to relieve all of Vilebank of their worldly turmoil and find a way for them all to join the Beyond in a clowder-wide exodus.

Countless hours were previously spent between hymn, Ichor’s father, and the previous medic. Countless concoctions of poisons and venoms and herbs all to see which could best be used for the plan. Hymns father had even tested the last mixture on himself, which quickly wore away at his elderly body. Even now with hymns direct blessing of the Beyond, hy had no idea where his soul ended up. He hadn’t even appeared to hymn when hy received hymns nine lives.

Now, as leader, she questions if that would even be in the best interest of the Divine. Many of the cats around her seem to believe that the Divine wishes to only provide the best for them, yet how could the challenges of life be proof of that? Would a mass-death even be worth it? If she could, Ichor would choose to undergo anything if it meant she could ensure an easy and peaceful future for her clowder.

When hy met Kismet on the outskirts of Vilebank’s territory, he seemed to challenge everything hymns father had taught hymn. He always said the plan sounded like complete mouse-dung, and that it was better to focus on improving cats’ lives now rather than end them early. The two often had spats about it, sometimes even physical, but now with hymns father’s passing hy finds it much more sensible to hear him out. It’s a good thing he’s stuck around, lest a far more gruesome fate come for Vilebank…
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