Submission (#333) Approved

6 November 2024, 17:39:54 UTC (4 months ago)
9 November 2024, 02:52:39 UTC (4 months ago) by aradium
Rustshriek is very mean :(

both rolls/rewards to me (thanks for leasing your kitty mitt i will NOT take good care of him)
Thumbnail for 103: Moldmaw

103: Moldmaw

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for 126: Rustshriek

126: Rustshriek

No rewards set.


aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

While investigating a strange scent, Rustshriek ran into a blue mackerel tabby shorthair dam with high white spotting being attacked by a badger...

Does Rustshriek...
Attempt to fight or chase off the badger with Strength or Cunning?
Wait and see what happens...? +7 Moss
Warn the rest of the clowder! +10 Loyalty, 5 Pawprints!

2024-11-09 02:52:13

bramblebeard Avatar

Rustshriek watches from the shadows. It would be cruel  to allow this stranger to rely on others... detachment is the true mercy here. [Sit and watch]

2024-11-09 18:41:46

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Has she been sitting there long enough to collect moss..? No, it looks like some got churned up in the fight, though. Might as well swoop in and take as much as she can home.

2024-11-09 18:47:02

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Moldmaw tried to fight off an enemy cat from another clowder, but ended up being completely outmatched.

Does Moldmaw...
Give up before they get hurt? +7 Pawprints
Fight on, maybe they can turn things around! +10 Loyalty, 50% Chance of Gaining a Scar Token.

2024-11-09 02:51:24

bramblebeard Avatar

Show Rustshriek you're stronger than that! Fight on!

2024-11-09 18:49:49

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Moldmaw might've gotten beaten up, but thankfully it wasn't anything permanent!

2024-11-09 19:37:41

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