Submission (#328) Approved

6 November 2024, 02:56:24 UTC (4 months ago)
6 November 2024, 04:37:05 UTC (4 months ago) by bunny
scoutttt :3
Thumbnail for 082: Ichor

082: Ichor

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for 083: Kismet

083: Kismet

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for 099: Rivulet

099: Rivulet

No rewards set.


bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Ichor was checking the borders when they spotted another cat. The injured cat appears to be a blue / black tortoiseshell mackerel tabby shorthair dam...

Does Ichor...

  • Give the cat a friendly greeting and continue on? +1 Cobwebs
  • Antagonize the cat into a fight? +12 Pawprints
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-11-08 04:06:56

performapals Avatar

try to convince w cunning :3

2024-11-08 04:09:07

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member


2024-11-10 01:28:45

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Kismet was so busy exploring the territory that they didn't notice they had crossed into another clowder's territory! They were chased off by another cat and sent running back home. That's enough wandering for one day!

+1 Pawprint

2024-11-08 04:06:28

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Rivulet ran into a strange cat trespassing on the territory. The desperate cat appears to be a blue broken mackerel tabby longhair sire with high white spotting...

Does Rivulet...

  • Chase off the trespasser? +10 Loyalty, 10 Pawprints
  • Let the trespasser go? -5 Loyalty, +1 Feather
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-11-08 04:06:16

performapals Avatar

try to convince using wisdom!

2024-11-08 04:10:53

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

This cat doesn't seem impressed by Rivulet's Wisdom...

  • Use catnip or draw/write this interaction to get this cat to join you anyway. (Required minimum sketched full bodies of Solarstream and the Stranger/200 Words. Should be recognizable as the description but can be changed when submitting for a design later.)
  • Take a consolation prize of 5 Pawprints

2024-11-10 01:25:49 (Edited 2024-11-10 01:25:55)

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