Submission (#284) Approved

3 November 2024, 04:13:04 UTC (4 months ago)
3 November 2024, 16:58:44 UTC (4 months ago) by bunny

Wheatpaw struggles to convince the runaway Riverflight to settle down and have her kits.
The Duke wonders who these strangers are.
Laul is asleep.

They've all been walking for a little too long.
Reward Amount
Cobwebs 1
Borage 3
Pawprints 5
Thumbnail for 024: Duke Wet Food

024: Duke Wet Food

Reward Amount
Exp 2
Thumbnail for 022: Riverflight

022: Riverflight

Reward Amount
Exp 2
Thumbnail for 023: Wheatpaw

023: Wheatpaw

Reward Amount
Exp 2
Thumbnail for 060: Laul

060: Laul

Reward Amount
Exp 2
bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member
very herbaceous place you've got here guys...

2024-11-03 16:59:30

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

While scouting out the nearby territory Duke Wet Food stumbled upon some useful herbs and decided to bring them back home!

+1 Cobwebs

2024-11-03 16:59:19

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Riverflight met a friend at the border. They caught up on everything they had missed in their time apart before going their seperate ways.

+ 5 Pawprints

2024-11-03 16:59:11

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

While scouting out the nearby territory Wheatpaw stumbled upon some useful herbs and decided to bring them back home!

+2 Borage

2024-11-03 16:59:05

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

While scouting out the nearby territory Laul stumbled upon some useful herbs and decided to bring them back home!

+1 Borage

2024-11-03 16:58:57

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