Submission (#28) Approved

22 May 2024, 03:00:54 UTC (9 months ago)
22 May 2024, 03:28:31 UTC (9 months ago) by infinity
Reward Amount
Starter Cat Voucher 2
spudbuds Avatar

Username: spudbuds


Discord: spudbuds


Clowder: Chishio's Memento Mori


Path: Night Shades

2024-05-22 09:12:23

infinity Avatar
infinity Staff Member

Hey Spudbuds! I approved you so you can get your vouchers, but please fill out this form so I can make your Clowder:

Username: User 

Discord: user#0000

Clowder: Your clowder’s name! This name may be changed by requesting a name change here. This can be as traditional as a clan name (i.e. ThunderClan) or completely unique. We only ask that you not use the same name as another, pre-existing clowder. If you are joining another clowder and not making your own at this time, please put the clowder owner’s name along with the clowder. (i.e. Rusty’s ThunderClan). 

Path: For more information, see Clowder Paths (Coming soon: Lore and History). Choose one of the following: The Divine, Night Shades, or Spirits and the Speakers. Please note that this is just what your clowder as a group follows or believes in most strongly, and that you can have individual cats that stray from this path! This choice can only be changed with a Path Voucher (Coming soon!)



2024-05-22 03:29:13

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