Submission (#276) Approved

1 November 2024, 04:02:22 UTC (4 months ago)
1 November 2024, 05:04:45 UTC (4 months ago) by bunny
Wyrmwood, in its infancy, has a developing relationship to it's dreaming life. Only two cats are regularly visited by the clowder: Stormdusk and Tigereye. Both cats are more interested in building stability while they're awake, ensuring that the clowder will be safe to dream in the future.

Wyrmwood's dream is a place of heavy fog, and is impossible to navigate if a cat hasn't been "invited" by a Shade, or if they possess a Shade themselves. Shades are blessed with an innate ability to find what they're looking for within the dream, though it's one they have to hone through training.

The method of gaining a Shade is called "splitting", and is done with a herbal concoction that sends the cat into a deep sleep. This can last for hours, even days - this sleep is not to be interrupted, and is supervised strictly by trained healers. Splitting is not mandatory, and few seem interested so far.

The only current Shade, Fogtuft, is barely lucid. The lines of her silhouette blurs against her surroundings, and she seems to do nothing but wander. Sometimes she speaks, but its all little more than panicked muttering. Wyrmwood was founded partly so she could have a home, having been exiled by her previous clowder. But still, the eviction damaged her connection to the world of dreams greatly. She will pass on soon, leaving nothing but the fog in her wake.

In the future, Fogtuft will be considered as a patron of sorts, representing the beginning of Wyrmwood and the dream. Shadeless/non-split cats can occasionally appear in the dream uninvited, and this will eventually be considered a grave omen, as the clowder will believe that they have been contacted by Fogtuft herself.
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Stardust 10
bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

this writing piece was so rad ... woahhh

2024-11-01 05:05:00

halfawyrm Avatar

thank yew..... they are stuck in the silent hill dimension forever

2024-11-01 05:06:27

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