Submission (#265) Approved

28 October 2024, 03:37:07 UTC (4 months ago)
29 October 2024, 20:19:00 UTC (4 months ago) by bunny
The pair were hoping for chestnuts early this season, but no such luck. At least the trees make great vantage points! ... if you can manage climbing them, that is.
Thumbnail for 086: Morningfog

086: Morningfog

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for 095: Sunnywink

095: Sunnywink

No rewards set.


bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Morning Fog was checking the borders when they ran into another clowder's patrol. The patrol appreciated Morning Fog's respect of the border boundaries, and shared some news with them.

+4 Pawprints

2024-10-29 20:19:43

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Sunnywink ran into a strange cat trespassing on the territory. The injured cat appears to be a sapphire solid shorthair dam with high white spotting...

Does Sunnywink...

  • Chase off the trespasser? +10 Loyalty, 12 Pawprints
  • Let the trespasser go? -5 Loyalty, +2 Flowers
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-10-29 20:19:14

bramblebeard Avatar

Sunnywink nearly does a double take--surely no dam can be that so vibrant! The sire immediately tries convincing her to go on a permenant, VIP tour to his camp. (recruit)

2024-10-29 20:25:44

bunny Avatar
bunny Staff Member

The dam looks Sunnywink up and down and scoffs. What could such a scruffy man offer for a camp? A cardboard box to nurse her sprained paw in?

This cat doesn't seem impressed by Sunnywink's rizz— uhm, Wisdom...

  • Use catnip or draw/write this interaction to get this cat to go on this permanent tour anyway. (Required minimum sketched full bodies of Sunnywink and the Stranger/200 Words. Should be recognizable as the description but can be changed when submitting for a design later. Does not need to be fully colored!)
  • Take a consolation prize of 6 Pawprints...

2024-10-29 20:39:15

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