Submission (#256) Approved
21 October 2024, 19:01:36 UTC (4 months ago)
23 October 2024, 02:22:19 UTC (4 months ago) by infinity
Cover Images: N/A
Clowder Name: the Ivy Trail
Inhabitants of eastern forest, the cats of the Ivy Trail are curious yet authoritarian by nature. They are excellent trackers, but have a true affinity for tool-use and construction. These cats notably have little qualms taking advantage of strange human scavenge for their own devices. You will find this Clowder cordial at their borders, but make no mistake; there is a ferociousness reserved for any and all trespassers.
The cats of the Ivy Trail have a unique relationship with the Divine; they believe only those with given suffixes may ascend to their ancestors' ranks. This creates a unique facet to their faith that strongly emphasizes proving one's worth and earning their full name. Following Morningfog's ascension to leadership, the cats are presently in turmoil as apprentices find their assessments and ceremonies delayed repeatedly...
EDIT RANK "Leader":
Guide: The leader of the clowder. They are granted additional lives from the Divine and considered the strongest mortal link to their ancestors.
ADD CAT TO RANK: Morningstar ( to "Guide"
ADD RANK / RANK CATEGORY [Specialists and Secondary Ranks]:
Deputy: A righteous cat elected by their Guide to succeed them after death. A deputy's duties are in addition to the expectations of any member or specialist rank they may hold.
Seer: Cats blessed with the ability to interpret the Divine in some form. A Seer's duties are in addition to the expectations of any member or specialist rank they may hold.
Healer: Those trained in herbal remedies and other medicines. Healers are also typically tasked with the preparation and mixing of pigments.
Scout: An elite ranking of highly skilled members. Parties of scouts are sent on long excursions into abandoned human settlements beyond the Ivy Trail.
Trade Specialist: Cats who specialize in a trade and have apprenticed under the former specialist. These trades include, but are not limited to; fire-starting, tool-crafting, tanning, and camp construction.
Members: All cats who have passed their assessment and received their name. Educated in basic skills such as hunting, patrolling, and tool use.
Apprentices: Young and outsider-born cats who are currently in training under a member or specialist.
Nursery: This role contains a mix of expecting or nursing dams, and their kittens. Unofficially, some cats may become "permanent" members of the nursery.
Elders: Honored members and specialists who have served their clowder faithfully for many moons. These cats are ready to retire and perform only light duties.
NOTE: I would really appreciate if the names (including the colon) of ranks could be bolded, and the rest of the text normal strength. I understand if this isn't a privilege granted to me or feasible for mods. Thank you either way!
Clowder Name: the Ivy Trail
Inhabitants of eastern forest, the cats of the Ivy Trail are curious yet authoritarian by nature. They are excellent trackers, but have a true affinity for tool-use and construction. These cats notably have little qualms taking advantage of strange human scavenge for their own devices. You will find this Clowder cordial at their borders, but make no mistake; there is a ferociousness reserved for any and all trespassers.
The cats of the Ivy Trail have a unique relationship with the Divine; they believe only those with given suffixes may ascend to their ancestors' ranks. This creates a unique facet to their faith that strongly emphasizes proving one's worth and earning their full name. Following Morningfog's ascension to leadership, the cats are presently in turmoil as apprentices find their assessments and ceremonies delayed repeatedly...
EDIT RANK "Leader":
Guide: The leader of the clowder. They are granted additional lives from the Divine and considered the strongest mortal link to their ancestors.
ADD CAT TO RANK: Morningstar ( to "Guide"
ADD RANK / RANK CATEGORY [Specialists and Secondary Ranks]:
Deputy: A righteous cat elected by their Guide to succeed them after death. A deputy's duties are in addition to the expectations of any member or specialist rank they may hold.
Seer: Cats blessed with the ability to interpret the Divine in some form. A Seer's duties are in addition to the expectations of any member or specialist rank they may hold.
Healer: Those trained in herbal remedies and other medicines. Healers are also typically tasked with the preparation and mixing of pigments.
Scout: An elite ranking of highly skilled members. Parties of scouts are sent on long excursions into abandoned human settlements beyond the Ivy Trail.
Trade Specialist: Cats who specialize in a trade and have apprenticed under the former specialist. These trades include, but are not limited to; fire-starting, tool-crafting, tanning, and camp construction.
Members: All cats who have passed their assessment and received their name. Educated in basic skills such as hunting, patrolling, and tool use.
Apprentices: Young and outsider-born cats who are currently in training under a member or specialist.
Nursery: This role contains a mix of expecting or nursing dams, and their kittens. Unofficially, some cats may become "permanent" members of the nursery.
Elders: Honored members and specialists who have served their clowder faithfully for many moons. These cats are ready to retire and perform only light duties.
NOTE: I would really appreciate if the names (including the colon) of ranks could be bolded, and the rest of the text normal strength. I understand if this isn't a privilege granted to me or feasible for mods. Thank you either way!
infinity Staff Member
Got the group updated, please let me know if you would like any additional changes! I've also sent a message on Discord to you in our ticket system so feel free to reach out there as well.
2024-10-23 02:23:46
Feature Comment