Submission (#236) Approved

2 October 2024, 19:17:03 UTC (5 months ago)
5 October 2024, 02:11:48 UTC (5 months ago) by aradium
Mantis's Scouting methods are a little hard on Moth...
Thumbnail for 067: Mantis

067: Mantis

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for 068: Moth

068: Moth

No rewards set.


aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Moth has been trying to convince their friend outside the clowder to join. The a blue / black tortoiseshell classic tabby longhair dam with high white spotting and polydactyl toes thinks they should let the rest of the clowder decide.

Does Moth's clowder let their friend join?
Yes! + A New Friend!
No thanks, -10 Loyalty, +15 Pawprints

2024-10-05 02:10:43

Syl Avatar

Of course they say yes, they trust moons judgement!

2024-10-05 02:15:22

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

A friend of Moon's is a friend of the garden!

2024-10-05 02:44:15 (Edited 2024-10-05 02:44:31)

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Mantis ran into a strange cat trespassing on the territory. The injured cat appears to be a red ticked tabby shorthair dam...

Does Mantis...
Chase off the trespasser? +10 Loyalty, 3 Pawprints
Let the trespasser go? -5 Loyalty, + 2 Minnows
Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-10-05 02:09:22

Syl Avatar

Mantis suggests the stranger come stay with the clowder to heal!

(use Borage)

2024-10-05 02:14:37

aradium Avatar
aradium Staff Member

It seems this stranger is on the mend after eating the offered borage. -1 borage, +1 friend!

2024-10-05 02:51:14

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