Submission (#22) Approved

18 May 2024, 21:26:18 UTC (9 months ago)
18 May 2024, 21:31:19 UTC (9 months ago) by infinity
Clowder Name: The Oneiroi

Description: Its in the name, truly, for the Oneiroi believe that their dreams with the dead grant them power. Every member is a dreamer, but the intensity of one's ability marks one's rank, along with how they use their connection to the dead. Their names tend towards ancient greek or latin origins. Among the ranks are the leaders, those with the strongest connection. Technically there can be more than one, but currently there is only one. They are known as Shapers, and they hold great power. Daydreamers are the ones with a connection that affects them even in the day. Daydreamers see what others might not, and they are viewed as both wise and powerful due to it. Nightmares are the fighters that have learned from their dreams. Dreamers are those that have established a basic connection at the very least to the Night Shades, but may or may not have found a path. Fledglings are those new to the clan, either recently born or freshly joined, who have not yet established a connection to the Night Shades. More ranks may arise in the future.

Shapers: Khaos
Daydreamers: Aether
Nightmares: Erebos
Dreamers: None
Fledglings: None


infinity Avatar
infinity Staff Member


Let me know if you want any format changes. I can move the descriptions to the actual ranks if you would like. :3

2024-05-18 21:32:04

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