Miscellaneous art/writing that does not meet minimum requirements can be submitted for character experience.
An unlimited amount of cats may be submitted for training at any time. Training only rewards experience, so submit to an Adventure or a Milestone prompt if you want more rewards!
Training allows you to earn experience for your cats just by drawing or writing about them, outside of Adventures and Milestones.
For drawing, backgrounds are not required, but including one will net you an additional 1 Exp per image. Training Exp payouts are as follows:
Half- and Fullbody (≥50% visible) | 2 Exp |
Busts and Headshots (<50% visible) | 1 Exp |
Background (Must meet Art Requirements Criteria) | +1 Exp |
For example: A cat drawn three times in three different poses, along with two headshots, would earn 8 Exp.
NOTE: Masterlist images cannot be submitted for Training Exp, unless there are additional images accompanying the fullbody reference image (such as headshots and alternate angles). Think of the main fullbody as being the 1 Exp that gets your cat to Level 1!
For writing, every 100 words can be turned in to earn 1 Exp for a cat participating in the piece.
For example: You write a 500 word drabble about your cats, Ginger and Snow, bonding together. Both are featured heavily throughout the piece. At the end, you have another cat, Butter, interrupt them. You split the first 400 words between Ginger and Snow giving them 2 Exp each, and the last 100 words where Butter interrupts, earns Butter 1 Exp.
Art Guidelines
Minimum requirements for drawn works:

- Shows at least 50% of a participating character and is recognizable as that character
- Backgrounds should at minimum have basic shapes that ground it in a physical place (grass, trees, water, etc.)
- May be grayscale as long as characters are recognizable.
Minimum requirements for written works:

- 200 words, +100 for additional participating characters beyond the first.
- A basic setting must be established (Where and/or When does this take place?)
- Each participating character must play a part in the story and have an effect on the plot or other cats involved.
Typically up to four characters can participate in a prompt. Additional background characters can be included to earn experience. Background characters are those that are not participating in the prompt, and are not required to meet the minimum requirements but must be recognizable.