
Any cat that has completed their First Steps and Guided Steps Milestone can participate in breedings.


By default, breedings require one Dam or Intersex cat to carry the kittens. Regardless of whether the cat is a Dam or Intersex, it will be refered to as the "Dam" of the litter. Up to four dams may be submitted for a breeding, and each dam will have at least one kit.

Litters can have up to four other parents contribute to the pregnant cats. Regardless of whether the cat is a Sire or Intersex, it will be refered to as the "Sire" of the litter. If more than one sire is entered for a breeding, the sire of each kitten is randomized. A sire may end up without any kittens in any of the litters, but will still go on cooldown.

Poly-Breeding, aka Breedings with multiple "dams" or "sires" (as defined above), count as two breeding submissions for the month.

Each Clowder is allowed up to three (3) breeding submissions a month outside of special events. Every cat that participates in a breeding is put on a two (2) month cool down as well. Splits (breedings where kits are shared between users) only count towards the poster's limit for breeding submissions, while poly-breedings may count fully towards the poster's limits or split across participants.

  • SPECIAL: Cats can breed outside of their clowder! If the cat is owned by another player, please have them comment on this submission as proof of permission. Involved cat will recieve a -5 to their loyalty.
    • For a poly-breedings, this only effects dams with sires outside of their clowder and vice versa. So for a Dam (in-clowder), Sire (in-clowder), Sire (out-of-clowder), only the Dam and the second Sire will recieve the loyalty penalty.
  • Additionally, there will be an item to allow for incompatable cats to have kits together (sire/sire, dam/dam, infertile cats). This will be flavored as a blessing, gift, or magic from the associated path. We also plan on adding items to allow cats to change their sex on site as well as items that will effectively neuter the cats. (Neutered/Infertile cats will still be able to use the breeding items when avaliable!)


Ready to submit? Fill out the following form for EACH cat:

Name: The name of the cat.
Dam, Sire, or Intersex. If Intersex, please mark whether they are acting as a Dam or Sire, i.e. Intersex (Dam)
The clowder the cat is in.
First/Second/Third Breeding: Please list if this is your first, second, or third breeding this month for this clowder. If this is a Poly-breeding, please put 1 and 2/3 or 2 and 3/3.
Player: (OPTIONAL) If you do not own the cat, please list the cat's player.
Items: (OPTIONAL) Any items that are being used.



No rewards.


No skill increase.