Alpha Update... Launch of Breeding Mechanics!
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by infinityHey everyone! Thanks so much for the enthusiasm with New Paths. It has been a blast seeing everyone's little kitties.
Unfortunately we are still working on a fix for the leveling and stat system. At this time, if you would like to submit a claim we can manually level up your character and give you general stat point grants. This has to be done on the database's end (at least as far as changing levels and exp) so it may take time to get through level ups, but I'm hoping I can get us a work around as the extension itself has a bug. (wahh!) UPDATE: Levels and Stats have been fixed! YIPPEE!
On the bright side, I'm happy to announce the launch of Breeding! Each Clowder gets three breedings a month, with poly-breedings (3+ cats) counting as two of those breedings. Keep in mind that cats have to have both their First Steps and Guided Steps Milestones completed to participate in Breedings.
Additionally, there is a special event for the launch of Breedings that will last until the end of Summer- or September, in this case. The Mystery Match-up is a one-time, free Breeding that doesn't count toward your clowder's monthly limit. Your chosen cat will still need to have both of the Milestones mentioned above completed to participate. Check it out and enjoy!
Upcoming, we will be introducing several new Path prompts in the coming weeks, specifically for the Divine, Shades, and Speakers, so get ready for those! Special character "mutations" will be unlocked with these prompts, as well as more unique items. I'm also hoping to have more clowder specific prompts for fleshing out your clowders and getting some fun rewards as well. Additionally, shops will be introduced soon to give everyone some use for those hard earned pawprints.