Rhubarb x Fleet Foxes - 003
A Vibrant Red Ticked Tabby Shorthair Dam with Low White Spotting and Curled Ears and Kinked Tail carrying Longhair and Mackerel and Ruby
Please fill out this form when submitting this design:
Name: The name of the cat!
Clowder: The name of the clowder this cat is in.
Genotype: XOᴿXOᴿ+ddDmᵂDmᶜEer+Wˢw+Ll+AA+McMcTt+Acac+Jpjp
Strength: 2
Cunning: 3
Wisdom: 1
Loyalty: 50
Source: Breeding.
A Vibrant Red Ticked Tabby Shorthair Dam with Low White Spotting and Curled Ears and Kinked Tail carrying Longhair and Mackerel and Ruby
Please fill out this form when submitting this design:
Name: The name of the cat!
Clowder: The name of the clowder this cat is in.
Genotype: XOᴿXOᴿ+ddDmᵂDmᶜEer+Wˢw+Ll+AA+McMcTt+Acac+Jpjp
Strength: 2
Cunning: 3
Wisdom: 1
Loyalty: 50
Source: Breeding.