[Milestone1] A Family Torn (Four Nameless Kits)

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Like the trio’s litter before this one, Khaos had nursed the kits in the caverns that the Oneiroi had called home. Four kits this time, not three. Unlike Thanatos, Eris, and Hypnos, these kits had no names yet, even though now they were old enough that they would have chosen one by the standards of the Oneiroi. 

But the Oneiroi no longer existed, having ceased between the time of their birth and the time they would have typically chosen names. The Erinyes earned their names upon being granted one by the Shades. That would take time for these young ones, Khaos imagined.

Khaos did not know what to think of the changes to the interactions with Shades that came about due to the Erinyes. Did not know what to think of the Council called the Kindly Ones, nor of the decisions they made. All Khaos knew is that Khaos would watch and see what their first litter would become, while caring for this second litter.

The kits began to gradually awaken. 

First the smallest one, the one borne not by Khaos by Khaos’s all the same. Black and red stripes decorated dark gold as well as gold that matched their sire, and this kit, they shared the eyes of their sire as well, in both shape and color. The ear tufts on this one were growing quite well and were cute too. 

One day, this kit would grow to be known as Invidia. But for now, Khaos thought of them as a delightful physical combination of the other two ‘Watchers’, as the original Oneiroi trio was now known. They were a watchful child, with a cunning mind that could already be noted. Rarely did this kit participate in games typical to ones their age- Instead, this kit spoke to their siblings that came before their litter, asking queries.

To their credit, the Kindly Ones were genuinely kind to their younger siblings, tolerating questions that they would not have tolerated from others. 

The larger two kits, one a pale gold with mismatched markings and eyes, and the other a dark gold with dark markings, were most curious about the two Kindly Ones that were not their siblings. One day they would be Superbia and Luxuria, but not today.

Mephostopheles and Faustus did not mind their little followers, seeming to take some pride in having won over the kits. And the Kindly Ones had indeed won over nearly all the kits. The larger kits took pride in the way they perceived that they had won over the Kindly Ones, when in truth it was the other way around.

Sometimes, it made Khaos sorrowful to see how nearly all the kits preferred the Kindly Ones over their parents. Then the medium sized kit, blue with orange patches, would return from visiting their siblings to visiting the watchers, unable to decide who to favor, wanting everything.

One day, Khaos knew this kit would have to choose between their family members. Perhaps, that was why this particular kit would be named Avaritia, after greed. They desired everything, but everything was not obtainable, not the way the Kindly Ones ran it.

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[Milestone1] A Family Torn (Four Nameless Kits)
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In First Steps ・ By JayTheBird
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Submitted By JayTheBird for [Milestone] First Steps
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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