[Milestone2] Three Questions (A Revolution Starts Here)

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Though it was clear from the beginning that all three of Khaos and Erebos’s first set kits were sired from a fleeting visit by a mysterious stranger, Aether was also a parent to them. And Aether had wisdom enough to notice the growing dissatisfaction of the three kits. Aether did not know why, exactly, but they had suspicions. But they did not act on those suspicions. And that was the problem, as it always had been.

Thanatos had asked once growing up, a question that Aether would later look back on. They had asked, “Why do we Dream?” and Aether had been confused by the question at the time, for all their wisdom. They were the Oneiroi, and they Dreamed because that was what they did. Aether had said as much in their answer.

Hypnos had been quieter about his thoughts, but one day had blurted out to Aether, “What is the purpose of a Dream?” This question, Aether had realized then, was what Thanatos had meant as well. And Aether had answered that the purpose of a Dream with the Shades was to gain knowledge, and Hypnos had walked away seeming dissatisfied. Aether had not realized why until Eris.

Yes, Eris had voiced the words that the others had left unsaid, as she was prone to do. “What is the meaning of knowledge without power?” she had asked, blunt as ever. And Aether had been stunned speechless. Eris had simply nodded and walked away at their lack of response. Aether tried to think up a proper answer, but the question seemed like it had already been answered by the growing cats.

The Oneiroi were made to appreciate knowledge, according to the original trio, but their first trio of children did not see appreciation as enough. Blunt Eris, thoughtful Thanatos, and even quiet Hypnos saw a possibility of more. Knowledge could be turned into power easily.

Yes, there was potential to all three of them, but Aether did not know whether that potential was meant to be positive or negative. The Oneiroi were a purely neutral force, despite connecting to the Shades. But perhaps neutrality was not to be their fate forever, if these three were to decide the future.

So Aether watched and waited for this new trio’s philosophy to form fully. But, it was not until two other young strangers were introduced to the group that their philosophy became whole. That’s a story for another time, though.

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[Milestone2] Three Questions (A Revolution Starts Here)
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In Guided Steps ・ By JayTheBird
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Submitted By JayTheBird for [Milestone] Guided Steps
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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