[Cinderbrand Lore] Born from the Ashes
Cinders was to be the first of the Night Shades of the Cinderbrand, but even before her death, there was a great mythos that she believed in, cultivated, and raised among her friends and kin.
Born of the Ashes itself, Cinders knew the truth of the world: a cycle of destruction to fuel rebirth. Death was a necessity. Death and birth were one in the same: a blooming flower and a burning ember were the same essence, changed by the most holy of substance: Fire.
Everything could be changed by fire in but an instant. This made Fire a holy power, one that took as quickly as it gave. It was a thing to be respected and revered, and, with utmost care, one day... While fire itself could not be controlled, but it could be coaxed and bartered with.
Cinders would be the first cat of the Cinderbrand to create what would become known as the First Fire. Typically tended to as a hot coals kept in a rough-hewn fire pit and only rarely brought to a full burn during the coldest of winters, this eternal flame is technically not kept burning constantly for practical reasons, but is mantained throughout the year to be a source of fire when needed. The First Fire is transported between camps and given special guard by either the Pyre themselves, or by the Kindle before they have kitted.
It was Cinders, as well, who first began to see the shadow of itself cast in two by the flickering firelight. A sign from fire itself: that life would stretch beyond life and into the world of death. A sign from herself, her Shade, the truth that she would create with her own two paws:
"We chase the flames, and the flames chase us. We are the kindling and the flame. We will burn and become ash. This is not for the weak of heart," Cinders declared as the First Fire burned hot and high at the center of the temporary camp.
"Then let our hearts be hardened," the Cinderbrand would return the call.
"We are the Fire," Cinders yowled, "You will see yourself in the Fire, and know it is your spirit beholding you. Do not fear the Fire, it is us, and we are it."
The dead would be burned, to release their shade into the flames. Cinders was adamant on this, though the Cinderbrand was resistant to the idea at first. She made her fellow Pyre, Beam, swear to burn her body upon her death. She swore that she would show the clowder the truth with her own death, though Beam hoped that the day would take its sweet time coming to them.
tee hee
Submitted By infinity
for [Night Shade] A Clowder United
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago