[SSS] Heatherclan - Territory 5
“What, exactly–” Lightfeather grunted, lip pulled back to grimace uncomfortably, “is the point of going through the furze, rather than around it? I’m not sure I understand the reasoning.” A frustrated sigh left him against his will; an embarrassing sign of failing composure. It had only been mounting for the better part of an hour– hell, they hadn’t even made it a hundred pawsteps into the stiff evergreens. “Learning!” Goldhen’s unhelpful shout came from beyond— how in the world had hey pushed so far ahead?
Lilystar only looked back at him, a faintly amused half-smile on bat’s long muzzle, the expression only tossing bitter kindling to his growing irritation. Evidently, the thick furze posed no issue to the short cat. “How do you navigate it?” he grit out, huffing as Maplebelly pressed against his side as she walked around him. “Crouch down- oy, Goldhen, come back and show Lightfeather the ropes, yeah? I’m hangin’ back with Lilystar, kay?” Maplebelly answered in bat’s stead.
How the thorns pressing against Maplebelly’s side didn’t bother her was something he couldn’t fathom. And yet, she plod away, heavy paws displacing loose furze as they padded along.
Goldhen’s broad face emerged from… further down than he expected. “All our apprentices learn how to navigate rough environments. We’re making sure you can too. And- no offense- like, you’re struggling. Nothing wrong with that!” He suppressed an eyeroll, then crouched down to his belly and followed after heir, his eyes squinting to protect them from the thorny plants. The plants snagged blue and black tufts of fur.
“So, when you’re navigating furze you need to go low to the ground. As far under the branches as you can. Right now we’re actually following along a path made by rabbits. They eat the undergrowth. Same with some birds.” Now that hey mentioned it, he could see the bare spots on the plants. Ah. “It’s prime rabbit spots. Especially since Maplebelly and Lilystar make depressions along the ground for paths. We use them a bunch when hunting.”
Hunting? The rabbit smell along the path was there, but it wasn’t especially strong. In fact, he could faintly pick up Moonfur’s scent. “Don’t we have more open territory for hunting?” Goldhen was quiet in response as hey paused to dig under denser branches. He almost felt smug- didn’t that prove his point?
“We do. It pays to know all our territory, Lightfeather.” Lilystar’s voice came from nearby, to his surprise. The pause in his track let her walk straight to him. “There are strategic advantages to furze navigation. Small prey takes refuge here, yes, and so do we. Hawks, eagles, wolves… anything can access you easily in the open moors. We have no paucity of predators. Remember that well.”
Leaning forward, she looked to where Goldhen had all but disappeared. He hadn’t even realized hey had finished digging. “You are hardly older than an apprentice. It does you good to question and challenge. Be ready to accept answers or orders you dislike- it helps you grow.” Her knowing gaze left him uncomfortable. What did she see in him?
It was too late to ask. She retreated from where she came. In lieu of Goldhen, he plunged after her.
Her pace was leisurely as she padded along. “Maplebelly and I are almost through– we’ve come along this path for many, many moons. Without Maplebelly, other animals wouldn’t be able to navigate the furze.” She hummed. “As a Heatherclan member, you must learn how to utilize all components of your environment. Changing it may be a necessity.”
All of a sudden, the furze abruptly ended and gave way to the expansive moor Lightfeather had missed. The claustrophobic stress was easy to shake off with the sun shining on his back. It wasn’t even noon yet.
Maplebelly lay leisurely in a flower bed, lazily watching him and Lilystar emerge. “Took y’all long enough. It ain’t so bad, is it, Lightfeather?” The friendly (albeit disrespectful) non-question went ignored. He disliked her casual nature.
“He will have to get used to it,” Lilystar walked past him, head tilted towards the sky. “Goldhen and I are going back in; the furze has spread quickly this season. You show him around. Try to be back around nightfall.” Maplebelly nodded. “Sure, sure thing.” Lilystar nodded back before parting.
Despite the direct order… Maplebelly didn’t move, instead stretching out and sighing against the warm grass. He stood awkwardly. Was she always this disrespectful to their leader?
He was unable to stand the silence any longer. “Are we going to leave anytime soon?”
A coy grin crossed her mustached face. “Why’re you in a rush? Shoot, why don’t you lead me back, hm?” He bristled, uncomfortable and annoyed. “You get upset so quick, man. You’ve gotta relax a bit.” She offered unhelpfully, slowly sitting up and stretching.
“Aight. C’mon.” It quickly became obvious that she had shockingly long strides– he sprinted after her. Ignoring his growing dislike for her was… difficult. Did nothing bother her? … Had Lilystar purposefully paired him up with her? He didn’t doubt it. They had an uncanny ability to see through him.
“So. Any plans for when you get back? Should be ‘round dusk. Might get there a bit sooner, I get worried ‘bout owls the later it gets, y’know? I’m not real busy later,” she left no room for a response- not that he wanted to give one, “you should get some sleep. You young cats need plenty of rest.” He wasn’t that young, he almost retorted.
The lack of response didn’t discourage her. Not until dawn, either.
Scout with Maplebelly, Lilystar, Lightfeather, Goldhen
Lilystar (she/they, bat/bats neopronouns), Maplebelly (she/he/they), Lightfeather (he/him… for now), and Goldhen (she/ey, hey/hen/heir, ze/hir)
uhh wordcount like... 950-1k? idk i forgor
Submitted By azabana
for SSS Adventure Path
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago