Heatherclan Lore - Spirituality 1

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Spirituality is key in Heatherclan and is traditionally represented by art, vigil, prayer, and direct contact through dreams or brushes with death. All Heatherclan cats are spiritual, but due to the extensive intake of strangers, the interpretations or strength of beliefs varies widely, but is ultimately at least agnostic. Because of the variety of worshipper’s origins and the shared nature of the Divine, appearances can vary between species as well. The smallest Divine may be birds and mice of which are scarce and may offer nothing to their contact. Larger animals may make contact and impart a message, which may be entirely undecipherable.

Worship encouraged and directly tied into clan bonding. It takes many forms, from art to vigils at the mountain peak. The harsh environment at the peak induces altitude sickness and may cause worshippers to faint or come close to suffocation or death, which is when the Divine become the most tangible, able to physically touch and ‘breathe life’ into the worshipper. The contacted Divine keeps the worshipper alive until the contact has finished and the other has safely retreated. This is the most intensive form of worship, with day-to-day worship including art, sharing tongues, and prayer from the safety of camp, where the Divine’s reach is mild.

Mild influence can be a ‘soft touch’ (a breeze, dye vibrancy, or dye marking on the worshipper) or whisper. The Divine are most visible at night, because of their starry, translucent appearances— however, a majority of cats won’t be able to catch more than a glimpse or outline. Art as worship takes many forms. This can include portraits of the dead or mimicking their markings/appearance through dyes applied to a friend, relative, partner, etc. Starspeakers may be adorned heavily with paint given to them since they are a medium to the Divine. Dye vibrancy or hue may be changed from a Divine’s influence, with the most common influence being a slight glow.

The lowest areas of Heatherclan territory are almost untouchable to the Divine. Cats who die on the moors must take a long journey to the Heatherclan peak and are in the most contact with non-cat spirits. Spirits may be lost or purposefully delay their arrival.

Starspeakers and Disciples have the strongest connect to the Divine. Starspeakers can see all Divine who wish to be perceived, including non-cat spirits, and has near-constant strong contact with them. The lost lives of Starspeakers also inhabit the Divine as semi-conscious beings that slowly gain more solidity the more deaths a Starspeaker undergoes, up to the point that the Starspeaker may experience a “dual-conscience,” being equally split between the living and Divine. This happens around the 5th lost life.

Reincarnation is a known phenomena in Heatherclan. ‘Fading’ Divine may choose to be reborn as a ‘Blessed’ kitten, albeit only with some semblance of old memories. Non-cat Divine may choose to be reborn into a clan cat, which is a rare occurrence. Multiple Divine may be reborn into one body. Possession, usually temporary, may also happen, either for malevolent or beneficial reasons, with Starspeakers being the most viable due to their constant, uninterrupted connection to the Divine. Possession may also be minor or ignored, depending on the strength of the Divine.

Fading takes a long time, with a Divine disappearing completely potentially after generations. Worship strengthens and solidifies a Faded Divine, hence the emphasized importance, frequency, and power of worship. Oral and sung worship also keeps them from fading.

An iteration of ‘hell’ or sin aren’t named concepts in Heatherclan culture. Morals are fairly flexible. However, cats who severely wronged others or left otherwise lasting damage, are purposefully ignored. Of the two forms of worship (direct/targeted and general/clan-wide), a cat with bad standing likely won’t be paid general worship. This isn’t to say a ‘bad’ cat is ignored by all, no doubt their family or friends may still pay dues and won’t be punished for it, but a general tribute won’t be paid to them. Who a cat worships to is customarily private, but a spoken/sung prayer, if targeted and not general, is obviously allowed to be public.

Ritualistic cannibalism is not uncommon and may be wished upon by a Divine. The dead in Heatherclan aren’t buried (unless the dead/dying cat wishes to be) and have their bodies used upon death, as the spirit/conscience of a cat has completely left and no longer possesses their body– a relinquish of ownership, essentially. Blood is used for dyes; tails are removed and added to nesting material; bones are cleaned and dried, used for dyes, tools, or art; fur may be plucked and added to nesting material, art, or will be left out for birds; meat is consumed; all other parts are left out or otherwise used for art/tools/etc.

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Heatherclan Lore - Spirituality 1
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In Miscellaneous ・ By azabana

Wordcount: 800

Submitted By azabana for [The Divine] A Clowder United
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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