[Milestone1] Fresh Kindling
"Anyway," Beam squared up, staring down at him with her soft, golden eyes. If Cinders was the hottest, sharpest bite of a fire, Beam was the warmth of a radiator in a human's home. "Tell me about yourself, spark. What brought you here? Where is your family?"
He was taken aback by the question, but Beam's question seemed earnest enough. "I was born under a human's house," he answered, nervously shifting his weight on his paws. He thought about his mother's sweet milk-smell and the squirming of his littermates. He had only been a tiny white nugget of a kitten at the time... "The humans fed us. Eventually I got old enough to wander out on my own, and I got lost... Erm, what about you?"
"That's a story for another day, spark," the massive cat said wistfully.
"My name's Brush," he blurted finally. "It's Brush."
They seemed to consider that name. "Then you are Brush Yet To Burn, spark," they seemed to decide right on the spot. It filled them with an uncertain sense of unease.
"Yet...?" He asked.
"You do not have to fear the fire," Beam rumbled, "I am Lone Beam of Light That Ignites a Thousand Fires. You shall be the first Flame under my and Cinder's Pyre. It will be good, you will see."
She sounded so confident--
"Now let's see about getting you something to eat."
-- and he wasn't going to argue with that.
First Steps for Brush! Beam means well, but the Cinderbrand is a weird group to begin with.
(part 1 / part 2)
Submitted By infinity
for [Milestone] First Steps
Submitted: 9 months ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months ago