THE SHADOWS YOU CAST [IT Spirituality 2]
Every cat has a body, but also a Soul. When one enters the dreaming realm of the Night Shades, their body is the anchor to the waking, “real” world. The Soul is not fully “present” in the dreaming world and can retreat back into the body if it or the soul are distressed—this is important, as the dreaming world is fundamentally hostile to souls; if one were to ever enter without their body to anchor them, it is feared their soul would begin to degrade like the crumbling cities themselves; slowly worn by the malice and darkness made manifest.
Once in the dreaming world, their soul is a beacon of living light in the shadowy copy of the Ivy Trail’s vast city. As with all light, it casts a shadow in the same shape…. Thus their Shade is born.
A cat’s Shade is born in this shadowy world, and is influenced by its nature; a Shade represents an ‘idealized’ version of the original cat; they carry their originator’s worst traits intensified and reflect their insecurities back at them.
The Shades teach that their goal is to train each cat to their most perfect selves. To be stronger, more cunning, and self-reliant. The Shade claims it is merely a reflection of the cat’s “true potential.” While the Shade may offer assistance in evolving to such a state, all dreamers of the Ivy Trail must be wary not to let themselves slip into this realm in the first place, for a Shade is not easily ignored…
The Shades of the Ivy Trail follow a more unusual path than most--each Shade is not a cat from your past, but instead a darkened mirror of yourself. Be wary, little one, for every bright light is a shadow equally dark.
Submitted By bramblebeard
for [Night Shade] A Clowder United
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago