[Milestone2] A little... much.
… Drew's less okay with the newcomer's attempts to ingratiate herself to her— as if she's a great paragon of the Stagecoach Lot's ideals. Any other strangers have been keen to either pass her over or share tongues and stories in passing, and yet April— dear, well-meaning April— in all her overwhelming, bubbly energy, insists upon reaching out solely to her.
Both of her partners are too good at deflecting that energy onto a better reservoir (like a task or something, but Drew feels a bit like a nag even just suggesting for someone to do something) and Big Blue is too standoffish to bear even a minute of poor April's unfiltered blabbing before he starts to swat her away like she's just a Wirefly. Anyone else is so thoroughly put off by April's unending optimism and enthusiasm.
The Stagecoach Lot— and Drew, even without the clowder— always chooses love and joy, but—…
'Of course,' Drew thinks when April once again approaches her from across the thoroughfare of the abandoned store the Lot's presently Haunting, 'I'm the only one here that's enough of a pushover…' Though April has been better lately…
Putting on a warily pleasant expression, she receives the pastel-streaked Vagabond as warmly (and vaguely cautiously) as she would anyone else: Dips her head and closes wide eyes for just a passing, acknowledging moment.
When she opens her eyes again, it's to the sight of April, muzzle downcast with an averted gaze that lets her take note of just how deep the fuchsia overtones of the other's gaze are.
"Hey, um…" April starts, and hesitates when Drew readjusts her loafing posture to seem more attentive. It takes her a moment of visibly steeling herself to continue, and Drew tries to look as patient as she is warily curious and concerned during. Tufted ears flick forward with an put-on air of confidence and assurance.
After another moment, April lifts her muzzle a little higher, and continues: "… so, I figured out something lately. Um— haha. Kids are really brutally honest. And Big Blue." Drew worries briefly for the smile that starts to appear along the other's snout, but somehow it doesn't seem as nervous as the frown that it'd just replaced. "It turns out that I can be a little bit much because I don't let anything at all get me down, and the kids don't really mind it, but they do think it's weird that I don't go hang out with more of the adults— and… I'm gonna try to tone it down just a bit until everyone gets to know me better."
"Lesson learned, but I really appreciate you letting me use you as a test subject for not being so much. Um—" A slate-blue paw scuffs the dirt. "Sorry that I didn't ask to do that ahead of time. You just seemed so nice and didn't put me off on someone else…"
'Oh,' Drew thinks. 'She knows that I'm a pushover.' And that's not so bitter a thought as it was just a moment prior. Maybe it isn't so terrible a thing. "Thank you for the apology."
"… this is a good start. Everyone will appreciate the effort, at the very least," she murmurs thoughtfully.
Then, she can't help but to let off an airy, soft laugh. "You're never going to win over Big Blue's visible acceptance, though. He's…"
April's demeanor shifts away from its somber tone almost instantaneously, a paw stamping into the earth. "I will, one day!"
Drew learns a lesson in tolerance not being so bad after all. April learns how to adapt to social cues.
579 words.
Submitted By bunny
for [Milestone] Guided Steps
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago