Prove Yourself To Me (Or Else Leave Me Be Like The Rest)
Nox was not intrinsically loyal, not a pet or a follower, but when he had sustained an injury and the Shaper had found him and offered him a sanctuary to heal as well as the potential of becoming more than he was now, Nox had been intrigued by their offer, enough to tentatively accept.
The Oneiroi were more interesting than he had expected- Drawing their power from dreaming with the dead. It interested him enough to actually stay, even if he was still considered a Fledgling in the Dreaming. Their ranks, too, were fluid in a way many clowders were not. It appealed to him.
But how had Nox ended up pining after the sole Nightmare among the Oneiroi currently, Erebos? Upon seeing him in action, Nox had fallen head over tail metaphorically speaking. Nox appreciated power, and while metaphysical power was all well and good, Erebos had learned to convert his powers to physical might.
When they had returned to the safety of the cave system after the rest of the patrol, Nox could not resist challenging him. “Spar with me, Erebos,” Nox stated, though his tone was inclined more towards demand.
Erebos considered Nox with a tilted head, and Nox felt their trepidation rise, wondering what the other was thinking.
“Alright, then,” Erebos gave a smugly amused purr and a flick of his tail. “Prove to me that your joining was not a waste of our resources, here and now.”
And so the spar began, Nox swiftly leaping at Erebos only to have his weight used against him. But he refused to give up, giving a kick towards the dam’s belly.
Erebos stayed strong despite Nox being a formidable opponent for him, and he eventually braced his teeth over Nox’s throat and snarled.
Nox was tense, but he was also in great awe of Erebos’s skills. Finally, after a long pause, Erebos released Nox.
Then… Erebos turned his back and began to walk back to camp. Nox sputtered and moved to follow hurriedly. “So? Did I prove myself?”
Erebos snorted. “Are you a kit in need of reassurance?” he challenged in return, and Nox felt offended and attracted in equal measure by the banter. Erebos had a backbone to him, and that was something Nox could appreciate.
Even if he hadn’t proven himself yet, he would, he decided. For Erebos.
Nox challenges Erebos to a spar, after developing a crush from witnessing Erebos fighting on patrol.
Submitted By JayTheBird
Submitted: 9 months ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months ago