Comments on Submission #380

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aradium Staff Member

Wyrmwood has welcomed 3 kits to their clowder.

1. 002: Starfall x 029: Duskblaze - 001
A Golden Yellow Ticked Tabby Shorthair Sire with Low White Spotting and Curled Ears and Ultraviolet carrying Longhair and Solid and Mackerel.
STR 1 / CUN 1 / WIS 4

2. 002: Starfall x 029: Duskblaze - 002
A Golden Black Ticked Tabby Shorthair Sire with Low White Spotting and Curled Ears carrying Longhair and Solid and Mackerel.
STR 2 / CUN 1 / WIS 3

3. 002: Starfall x 029: Duskblaze - 003
A Golden Black Ticked Tabby Shorthair Sire with Curled Ears carrying Longhair and Solid and Mackerel.
STR 2 / CUN 3 / WIS 1

Duskblaze can breed again in January 2025.

2024-11-14 23:26:07