Comments on Submission #367

infinity's Avatar
infinity Staff Member

Riffle tried to fight off an enemy cat from another clowder, but ended up being completely outmatched.

Does Riffle...

  • Give up before they get hurt? + 5 Pawprints
  • Fight on, maybe they can turn things around! +10 Loyalty, 50% Chance of Gaining a Scar Token.

2024-11-10 22:24:18

phantomknights's Avatar

FIGHT ON KING i believe in him

2024-11-10 22:40:34

infinity's Avatar
infinity Staff Member

Riffle fights as though his life depends on it, and manages to get through the scrap with only minor scratches! His clowder celebrates his bravery later.

+10 Loyalty

2024-11-10 22:44:08