Comments on Submission #354

aradium's Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Stormbringer came out on top during a scrap with a neighboring clowder. They've pinned a cat to the ground, and the enemies leader is calling for retreat.

Does Stormbringer...
Let the cat go? + 33 Pawprints
Wound the cat so they don't forget who won today. + 3 Feathers, 29 Pawprints
Kill the enemy. + 33 Pawprints

2024-11-10 19:21:36

bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Wound 'em!

2024-11-10 19:25:46

aradium's Avatar
aradium Staff Member

The cat runs off, surely to find the nearest patch of cobwebs to heal that wound!

2024-11-10 19:29:54