Comments on Submission #357

aradium's Avatar
aradium Staff Member

While investigating a strange scent, Stormbringer ran into a yellow mackerel tabby shorthair sire with high white spotting being attacked by a badger...

Does Stormbringer...
Attempt to fight or chase off the badger with Strength or Cunning?
Wait and see what happens...? +5 Minnows
Warn the rest of the clowder! +10 Loyalty, 40 Pawprints!

2024-11-10 19:18:47

bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

The Stormbringer will try to fend it off with his Strength!

2024-11-10 19:25:23

aradium's Avatar
aradium Staff Member

After a long and hard battle, Stormbringer comes out on top, impressing the stranger cat. Will he let them come home with him?

Yes - The shrewd cat joins!
No - 88 PP

2024-11-10 19:28:05

bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

The Stormbringer doesn't feel too great about inviting this stranger home with him, especially not without everyone else's input.


2024-11-10 20:08:44

aradium's Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Looks like Stormbringer comes home loaded!

2024-11-10 20:11:13

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2024-11-10 19:20:03 (Deleted 2024-11-10 19:20:10)