Moldmaw tried to fight off an enemy cat from another clowder, but ended up being completely outmatched.
Does Moldmaw... Give up before they get hurt? +7 Pawprints Fight on, maybe they can turn things around! +10 Loyalty, 50% Chance of Gaining a Scar Token.
aradium Staff Member
Moldmaw tried to fight off an enemy cat from another clowder, but ended up being completely outmatched.
Does Moldmaw...
Give up before they get hurt? +7 Pawprints
Fight on, maybe they can turn things around! +10 Loyalty, 50% Chance of Gaining a Scar Token.
2024-11-09 02:51:24
Feature Comment
Show Rustshriek you're stronger than that! Fight on!
2024-11-09 18:49:49
Feature Comment
aradium Staff Member
Moldmaw might've gotten beaten up, but thankfully it wasn't anything permanent!
2024-11-09 19:37:41
Feature Comment