Comments on Submission #313

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eyemittens's Avatar

  • Attempt to fight or chase off the wolverine with Strength or Cunning?

The Frenchman uses her strength to fight the wolverine

2024-11-05 01:33:40

bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Frenchman's Strength wasn't enough...
Choose an outcome:
  • Frenchman dies protecting the strange cat. The strange cat brings them home, and requests to join the clowder.
  • Frenchman gains a Scar Token. Additionally, you may draw/write this battle to get the cat to join your clowder anyway! (Same-ish requirements as a Failed Convince— Required minimum sketched full bodies of Frenchman and the Wolverine/200 Words).
  • Frenchman saves their own skin! +12 Pawprints

2024-11-05 02:37:23

eyemittens's Avatar

2024-11-05 05:38:34

bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

The Frenchman stays strong in the face of an injury, and fights on despite having lost the high ground. The stranger is appreciative of the help and offers to come help the clowder in repayment.

2024-11-06 02:02:24