Comments on Submission #236

aradium's Avatar
aradium Staff Member

Mantis ran into a strange cat trespassing on the territory. The injured cat appears to be a red ticked tabby shorthair dam...

Does Mantis...
Chase off the trespasser? +10 Loyalty, 3 Pawprints
Let the trespasser go? -5 Loyalty, + 2 Minnows
Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

2024-10-05 02:09:22

Syl's Avatar

Mantis suggests the stranger come stay with the clowder to heal!

(use Borage)

2024-10-05 02:14:37

aradium's Avatar
aradium Staff Member

It seems this stranger is on the mend after eating the offered borage. -1 borage, +1 friend!

2024-10-05 02:51:14