Comments on Submission #208

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Syl's Avatar

I'm dome! How should I turn it in?

2024-09-21 22:33:00

infinity's Avatar
infinity Staff Member

You can submit it to the gallery (under Misc Art) and link it that way, or upload it to a site of your choice and link it from there!

2024-09-21 22:39:57 (Edited 2024-09-21 22:40:07)

Syl's Avatar

Here's the link whoops

2024-09-21 23:30:58

infinity's Avatar
infinity Staff Member

Inspired by your bravery, a new friend joins your clowder!

2024-09-22 22:17:54

Syl's Avatar

Done ^^

2024-09-21 22:46:53